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Mental Health Action Day | May 16th 2024

#nonprofitmarketing mental health action day mental health awareness month Apr 24, 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Last week, Jeanette shared a new video discussing how nonprofits and nonprofit professionals alike can transform awareness into action by taking part in Mental Health Action Day coming up on May 16th, 2024, and we invite you to take part!

What is Mental Health Action Day?

In 2021, Mental Health Action Day was founded by MTV with the goal of transforming mental health awareness into action. While mental health awareness has gained significant attention in recent years, MTV recognized the need for individuals and organizations to take tangible steps towards improving mental health. This led to the creation of Mental Health Action Day, which takes place annually on May 16th to remind everyone that (1) your mental health matters and (2) it’s important to take time for yourself.

Joining Mental Health Action Day as a Nonprofit

If you're a nonprofit interested in joining the Mental Health Action Day movement, you can sign up on the Mental Health Action Day Network website here. By becoming a participating nonprofit, your organization will be listed on the website, showcasing your commitment to mental health.

The website also provides a toolkit with ideas and resources to help you activate your involvement . Whether you choose to engage internally with your staff or promote it externally, the toolkit will guide you in making a meaningful impact.

Participating in Mental Health Action Day as an Individual

You don't have to be an organization to join the movement on Mental Health Action Day. If you're an individual looking to take part, here are just a few of our favorite ways you can take action on the day:

1. Create a Mental Health Action Plan

The best time to make a mental health action plan is when you're already in a positive state of mind. By having a plan ready, you'll be better prepared should any unexpected challenge or life event occur. 

Our Nonprofit Marketing Academy has been working to create an easy guide to help you create your mental health action plan. To access, click here to join our waitlist, and on May 16th, we will email you access to a video guide and form to fill out. After completing, your plan will be emailed to you, ready to be accessed in a time of need.

2. Journaling

Take a moment to grab a journal or pen and paper to start unraveling your thoughts. Doing so is a great way to start understanding yourself and make sense of all the ideas and emotions swirling around in your mind and your heart.

 3. Self-help Podcasts

Like journaling, self-help podcasts can be an excellent resource for personal development. Find a topic that interests you and dedicate some time to listen and learn!

4. Meditation

Meditation is a tried and true practice for mental wellbeing. There are so many great meditation tools out there, and you can take Mental Health Action Day to explore free meditation videos on YouTube and other platforms. 

 5. Schedule an Appointment to Talk to a Professional

 If you've felt resistant even though you really feel like you should talk to someone and seek help, you're not alone. Mental Health Action Day can be the perfect catalyst to take action to schedule that appointment you've been putting off, so you can finally get the help you need.


In the end, the key is to do something that is right for you. Everyone's needs are different, and what may work for you may not for someone else. 

There is no shame or judgement for whatever stage you are at. The goal is just taking action in whatever way will help you on your journey to mental wellness. 


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