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What You Need to Know about Meta's Switch to Paypal Giving Fund | Nonprofit Marketing News

facebook fundraiser fundraise on instagram fundraise on social media meta fundraising paypal giving fund Nov 03, 2023


If you're a nonprofit organization that relies on fundraising through Meta (i.e. Facebook and Instagram), it's important that you don't lose access to collecting your donations. Meta recently announced significant changes to how they handle donations from nonprofits. As of October 31st, 2023, they will no longer process donations directly. Instead, they've partnered with the PayPal Giving Fund, which comes with its own set of changes and considerations. In this blog post, we'll break down the key information you need to know.

The Transition to PayPal Giving Fund

In the past, Meta would cover the transaction fees for all donations made through their platform. However, with the transition to the PayPal Giving Fund, there will be transaction fees involved. The good news is that donors will now have the option to cover these processing fees, which is a positive development for nonprofits.

Review the Terms

If you haven't already reviewed the new terms, it's essential to do so ASAP. Failing to do this could potentially disable your nonprofit's fundraising tools on Meta. As of October 31, 2023, all donations must go through the PayPal Giving Fund. To ensure your payments continue to flow smoothly, reviewing and accepting the terms is a must.

Recurring Campaigns and Donations

If your nonprofit had recurring campaigns or donation setups, you should be aware that these have been temporarily halted due to the transition. However, once you've accepted the terms of the PayPal Giving Fund, you can begin to recreate your fundraising efforts on Meta and Instagram.

Restoring Fundraising Tools

In some cases, nonprofit organizations may find that their application has been denied or disconnected from the fundraising tools. If this happens, reviewing and accepting the terms should enable you to reactivate your Meta fundraising tools.

No Official Extension but Act Now

While there hasn't been an official extension of the transition deadline beyond October 31st, it appears that there is still an opportunity to adapt to the changes. However, it's essential to act promptly. To ensure you don't face any disruptions in your fundraising efforts, we strongly recommend going into your Meta nonprofit manager and reviewing the terms.

Facebook Donation Ads

If your nonprofit was running Facebook donation ads, please note that these have also been temporarily stopped, even if you've reviewed the new terms. You'll need to recreate these ads to continue your promotional efforts.

Transaction Reports and Receipts

Another notable change is that instead of receiving transaction reports and donor receipts from Facebook, all these processes will now be handled through the PayPal Giving Fund.

To recap, if you've already reviewed and accepted the terms for the PayPal Giving Fund, you are in good shape to continue fundraising. You can create new campaigns and reestablish your previous efforts. However, if you haven't done so yet, it's crucial to jump into your Meta nonprofit manager and review and accept the terms to avoid any disruptions in your fundraising activities.

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