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Nonprofit Marketing Budget | Where to Spend Money

#nonprofitmarketing marketing budget nonprofit marketing budget Oct 31, 2023

Are you wondering where to spend money for your nonprofit marketing budget for maximum impact? Whether you're aiming to boost awareness or increase donations, these tried-and-tested strategies will guide you on where and how to invest your resources effectively. 

How much should I spend on marketing?

In the for-profit industry, they usually spend 10 to 20% of their revenue on marketing. In the marketing industry, we recommend 5 to 15% of your budget toward marketing. We understand that your marketing dollars are limited, so you need to invest your spend where the marketing channels will help you get results.

Prioritize Your Website

Your website is often the first impression potential donors and supporters have of your nonprofit. According to Nonprofit Tech for Good, a staggering 94% of consumers or donors say their initial perception of a brand is influenced by a website's design. For every 1,000 website visitors, nonprofits raise $612. Therefore, consider investing in your website to ensure it's not only aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly. If it needs a refresh or isn't mobile-friendly, these are excellent places to invest your marketing dollars.

Harness the Power of Email. 

Email remains a powerful channel for nonprofits. According to Nonprofit Source, nonprofit organizations have a 34% open rate for their emails, making it a reliable means of communication. Having access to someone's email allows you to maintain a consistent connection with them. Unlike social media, where engagement can vary, email provides a more direct line of communication. Consider creating an initial opt-in, a welcome email series, and a nurture sequence to engage and onboard new supporters effectively.

Elevate Your Graphic Design

Investing in graphic design can significantly impact how your nonprofit is perceived. Well-designed graphics, whether for your website, email campaigns, social media, or important documents like annual reports, convey professionalism and attention to detail. Donors are more likely to contribute when they believe their money is being used wisely. Impressions matter, and a polished visual identity can give your nonprofit a competitive edge

Embrace Social Media

Social media is always a good investment as it’s a cost-effective way to reach and engage with your audience. According to Nonprofit Source, 55% of people who engage with nonprofits on social media end up taking some sort of action, whether that's donating, volunteering, or sharing your content so that more people can see it. 

Additionally, 29% of online donors say that social media is the communication tool that most inspires them to give. Regular, inspiring, and heartfelt content can lay the groundwork for future donations and support when you’re making an ask via email or other means down the line.

Explore Google Ad Grant Management

If you've mapped out your supporter journey and are tracking website conversions, Google Ad Grants can be a valuable resource. While there's $10,000 in free advertising available, it's essential to have a clear plan in place. This includes knowing how visitors should progress from their initial website visit to your desired endpoint. Without knowing this, it’s going to be very difficult to utilize the Google Ad Grant and see actual results. 

Proper management of your ad grant, whether through staff training or outsourcing, can yield significant results in terms of awareness and support.

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